What is a deadbolt lock?
It is important to use plug spinners responsibly and only with the owner's permission. If you are having difficulty opening a lock with a plug spinner, it may be best to seek the assistance of a professional locksmith.
A bypass tool is a specialized tool used in locksmithing to open a lock without using the key or causing damage to the lock. Bypass tools work by manipulating the locking mechanism in a way that allows the lock to be opened without needing to pick the pins or tumblers.
There are a variety of bypass tools available for different types of locks, including padlocks, deadbolts, and car locks. Some common types of bypass tools include:
Shims: Shims are thin, flat pieces of metal or plastic that can be used to bypass padlocks and other types of locks. They work by sliding between the shackle and the body of the lock, forcing the shackle to disengage from the locking mechanism.